Dacrycarpus dacrydioides PB6.5
Common/Maori name(s): Kahikatea, White PineĀ
Dacrycarpus dacrydioides is a truly magnificiant tree. Holding the title of New Zealands tallest species it can reach a height of 55 metres. It will take hundreds of years to do this with the oldest tree recorded at over 700 years old. Average growth rates are estimated at between 10 - 70 cm per year depending on growing conditions. Its thick trunk has grey/brown dimpled flaky bark with buttresses at the base. This conifer has thin evergreen leaves and branchlets that droop resembling pipe cleaners. When young, leaves are brown/green and feathery until it reaches 2m and forms its adult foliage. As a conifer it does not flower but has small pollen cones that will eventually form a seed with a bright red berry attached. The berries of kahikatea are important for nz bird life with many birds like Kakapo and Kereru relying on it's abundant fruit. In pre human times it used to be one of the most abundant forest trees but changing climate and logging has reduced them substantially. Kahikatea is rare in central otago due mostly to the dry climate. This tree prefers moist soils notably growing in swamps and bogs. In Central Otago it will happily grow in lowland seepages, ponds, lakes or river margins and has been successfully grown under the protection of mature trees like willow. As a young tree it will need protection from frost which can be achieved by planting under larger plants.
Height of grade at sale: 80cm
Stock level indication: Plenty in stock!