Olearia hectorii PB6.5



Common/Maori name(s): Hector's tree daisy 

Olearia hectorii is a tree with personality. Their trunks twist and gnarl spreading to 1m in diameter. The bark is deeply fissured and corky giving this tree a feeling of age and distinction. No two trees will look the same. Juxtaposed to the bark the foliage is a fresh light green which gives a light airiness to the trunk. Flowers are small and unassuming if you're not a moth who adore this tree. Olearia hectorii has been found to support 22 species of moth. The furrowed bark makes perfect habitat for many different insects which draw in birds looking to probe the bark for proteinous grubs to feed their young. This tree is only found in the east of the South Island at the base of hill slopes where water runs onto plains and occasionally in riparian areas. This tree is nationally endangered due to pasture grass excluding seeds. By planting this tree you will help secure its future along with the beings that rely on it. Olearia hectorii is one of new zealands few deciduous native trees. It can reach a height of 10m, the crown will spread once its very mature. Plant in soil that is fertile and moist but well drained. It is very hardy to frost and will tolerate high winds with adequate moisture.

Height of grade at sale: 40cm

Stock level indication: Plenty in stock!

What are PB Bag sizes?

SKU: Olhe-PB65 TAGS: Native, Tree

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