Lophozonia menziesii PB6.5



Common/Maori name(s): tawhai, Silver beech 

Silver beech trees are a common dominant forest species in cool, moist forests in the South Island. However they are relatively uncommon in the drier mountains of Central Otago where they keep to damper gullies and vallies between mountains. Much of their prehuman settlement range in Central Otago has been lost. Lophozonia menziesii is an endemic tree growing up to 30m tall. Compared to other southern beeches its leaves are thick and rigid. When young its bark is silver grey which is possibly where it gets its name from. Silver beech trees provide habitat for numerous insects which in turn provide a substantial food source for many native birds. It is also a host for the strawberry fungus (Cyttaria gunnii) which is a favoured food for kereru. As a forest tree it is best practice to plant in a sheltered area with protection from hard frosts and strong winds. This can be accomplished by planting under a taller shrub or tree that it will eventually grow through. Provide plenty of compost and mulch if soil is poor.

Height of grade at sale: 60cm

Stock level indication: Stock limited

What are PB Bag sizes?

SKU: Lome-PB65 TAGS: Native, Tree

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