Pseudopanax arboreus PB6.5



Common/Maori name(s): Five finger, whauwhaupaku 

Architectural large shrub/small tree. Evergreen with distinctive glossy "fingered" leaves. This native can reach up to 6m high by 4m wide. Grows naturally throughout New Zealand in moist broadleaf forest. Purple berries are produced late summer/autumn which are very popular with birds. Plant in a shady site that is sheltered, under a large tree is ideal. Add compost when planting in sandy soils and add a thick organic mulch. New growth can be damaged by frost but will be protected under the protection of a larger tree.

Height of grade at sale: 30cm

Stock level indication: Plenty in stock!

What are PB Bag sizes?

SKU: Psar-PB65 TAGS: Native, Tree, Forest, Forest edge, Riparian, Shade, Love Native Pigeon / Kereru

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