Erica darleyensis 'Silver Beads' PB6.5
Common/Maori name(s): HeatherĀ
Erica are one of the few plants to flower throughout winter. Erica Silver Beads has bright white bell flowers that are a crucial food source for honeybees and bumbles May to October. Especially as winters become warmer and bees hibernate less. A mounding shrub growing to 40cm high by 100cm wide. Needs full sun and acidic well drained soil. Avoid waterlogged soil. If unsure if soil is acidic check for blue hydrangeas or rhododendrons growing in the neighbourhood they are a sign of acidic soil. Can be shaped with shears lightly after flowering in mid spring but no later as flowers form in summer. Hardy to minus 15 celsius.
Height of grade at sale: 12cm
Stock level indication: Sold out - Next batch will be ready approx TBC
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