Hebe cupressoides PB6.5



Common/Maori name(s): Cypress HebeĀ 

Large evergreen shrub growing to a 2m ball. Leaves are conifer-esque in appearance and smell. Small pale lilac flowers in summer. This beautiful shrub is locally native but can rarely be found in Central Otago. It is nearing extinction due to stock animals and invasive weeds. These shrubs are very wind, drought and frost hardy. Avoid planting in wet areas or in the shade.

Height of grade at sale: 20cm

Stock level indication: Stock limited

What are PB Bag sizes?

SKU: Hecu-PB65 TAGS: Native, Scrubland, Rocky Outcrops, H4, Wind tolerant, Shrub, Hebe, Love Native Bees, Love Butterflies

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